Thursday 22 October 2009


In my preliminary task we were asked to produce a film of any genre. This film must consist of an establishing shot, over shoulder shot, long shot etc. The reason for this preliminary task was for us to get familiar with the equipment and programs we will be using for our main task. For the preliminary task we had to shoot a short film up to 2 minutes minimum, with various camera shots and movements like the extra long camera shot, behind shoulder camera shot and different cuts. Also, we had to demonstrate the 180 degree rule. The purpose of this Preliminary task was to learn the different camera shots and movements to prepare ourselves for the main task. We had to film a person in our group opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down opposite the other person.

For our main task we were all put in groups. I was happy with the group but the only disadvantage was that we did not have any female members to act if we were to have a female role in our main video. This lead us to either get an actress externally or keep to a storyline which had strictly male characters. A story with only male characters narrows the genres possible to produce to action/espionage/thriller etc. These genres that we have been narrowed down to are the type of genres that would need a various amount of locations and detailed settings. Due to this not being practical i came to the conclusion that we do a film based on a bank heist. We cancelled it down to the crime thriller (bank scam) because the locations needed to be filmed are all easily accessible. With the hint that a movie we watched in class "hard candy" had a subliminal relation to the story "Little Red Riding Hood", we decided to relate the main story to "robin hood" to an extent. Our film is basically two cousins trying to scam a bank out of money to pay the fees for their mother/aunts operation. This relates to Robin Hood as it follows the theme of stealing from the rich and giving to the poor.
The current synopsis of our group movie has changed once we realised that a movie revolving around a sick mother/aunt would seem to drama; not crime/thriller. The story was changed to an illegal immigrant (instead of two cousins) trying to pay back a loan to a deceased mafia bosses son with the risk of his family being deported back to belgium.